Update service location

Update service location


Updates an existing service location. The user making the request MUST have role "multisite_api" or "multisite_helpdesk". If this is not the case, an HTTP error 403 is returned.

Resource URL


HTTP method


Remember that this means that only properties that are provided that will be used to update the service location. As an example, when you do not specify longitude and latitude in the body, these attributes will be ignored instead of clearing the longitude and latitude of the service location (i.e. setting them to null).

HTTP header

Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]

 [ACCESS_TOKEN] being the access token received from the Get token or Refresh token authentication calls.

Http body

{ "name": "Example", "longitude": "4.35", "latitude": "50.85", }

Note that time zone and  currency are not supported in this call.


Version 1 (v1)

This call does not exist in this version

Version 2 (v2)

This call was introduced in this version


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