Get charging sessions at a charging park

Get charging sessions at a charging park


Returns detailed information of charging sessions of all charging stations in a charging park.

Resource URL


HTTP method


HTTP header

Authorization: Bearer [ACCESS_TOKEN]

 [ACCESS_TOKEN] being the access token received from the Get token or Refresh token authentication calls.






Path Parameter

The service location that represents the charging park.


Query parameter

A flag that indicates if only active sessions should be returned. A session is active if the vehicle linked to the station is still charging (actually still connected). The default value for this parameter is "false" returning only completed sessions.


Query parameter

Required parameter.

A comma separated list of EPOCH milliseconds. Example ?range=1635721200000,1637190000000 → will return sessions that started between Nov 1st 2021 and Nov 18th 2021 (timezone Europe/Brussels). The end of the range is exclusive, i.e. sessions that started exactly at midnight of Nov 18th 2021 or thereafter, are NOT returned.

Note that it is allowed to only specify the start of the range. Example ?range=1635721200000 → will return sessions that started on or after Nov 1st 2021 (timezone Europe/Brussels).




{ "id": 123, "serialNumber": 5820999999, "authenticationType": "RFID", "rfid": "The rfid that started the session", "csmsTransactionId": "The id of the transaction created by the CSMS system linked to the charging station or empty if there is no such system", "from": 1635721200000, "to": 1637190000000, "status": "INITIAL || STARTED || CHARGING || SUSPENDED || STOPPING || STOPPED", "range": 100, "duration": 2, "priority": 100, "startReading": 100.96, "stopReading": 115.21 }

Session status

  • INITIAL: Serves as a null object, initial value that is only used during initialization phase, will move almost immediately to STARTED or CHARGING.

  • STARTED: The session is started on our end but the car did not want to start charging immediately, maybe because the user paused it in the car’s App/settings.

  • CHARGING: The car is actually charging

  • SUSPENDED: Our monitoring service decided to suspend the session to avoid e.g. fuzes to be blown

  • STOPPING: Legacy transitional phase between CHARGING and STOPPED used when a remote stop was requested

  • STOPPED: Marks the end of the session


Version 1 (v1)

Not supported

Version 2 (v2)

Not supported

Version 3 (v3)

